And, to improve his knowledge, he began his working career first in metalworking companies in Bologna and, later, in Milan. In the capital city of Milan he worked at the Caproni factories, a company at the forefront of the aeronautical sector at the time, and upon his return to Bologna he found employment in the factories of the Maserati Brothers, racing car manufacturers. His strong and enterprising character led him to start his own business as a craftsman who repaired motorcycles and bicycles, as well as building the latter.
In 1946 the firstborn son. Joins the company by taking on the role. It will be Ugo Malossi himself who will implement the change that will completely change the face of the company, moving. From simple repairs to the construction of special parts for motorcycles. In 1958 Ugo Malossi founded the Malossi company and began producing the first of the. That the company can boast today, namely the carburetor accessories: the air filters and the larger intake manifolds designed to enhance the engines. In 1969 it was the turn of the second-born. Of the company and is responsible for the supervision of. In 1986 Andrea and Alessandra Malossi, Ugo's children and the founder's grandchildren, joined the Board of Directors with positions of responsibility. CAST IRON THERMAL GROUP Ã~ 47 WITH Ã~ 12 H2O PIN. Payments can be made via.We invite you to visit our best brands. From 09:00 14:00 - 15:00 19:00. DACARMOTO- VIA SANTA MARIA DELLA LIBERA, 13 VOMERO (NA). Since he was a boy Armando has shown a great interest for mechanics and engines and, to improve his knowledge, he began his working career first in metalworking companies in Bologna and, later, in Milan.
In 1946 the firstborn son Ugo Malossi joins the company by taking on the role general management in 1957. It will be Ugo Malossi himself who will implement the change that will complete.